



From 9:00  to 16:00, 21st March 2023

2nd Floor, Library Building: Room 1 (Track 1, 2, 3)  

Ms Team Link: CLICK HERE


Conference Halls at 1st Floor, G3 Building: Room 2 (Track 4, 5 ,6)

 Ms Team Link: CLICK HERE


Conference Hall: Room 305A1 Building: Room 3 (Track 7)

Ms Team Link: CLICK HERE

please name your self: CDSD2023-Shortname - Organisation (CDSD2023-Tên ngắn - Tổ chức) 


*Link MS Team for Plenary Session in 20th March 2023: *

(Please noted that the rule for names when attending the meeting has been sent to email via registered participants)

We invite professionals from academia, industry, government, research, and students around the world to share their insights, experiences, and research at the Construction Digitalisation for Sustainable Development (CDSD) 2023 Conference. The conference is jointly organized by Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the Vietnam BIM Academic Forum, with the support of international academics. CDSD2023 is a special event commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Construction Economics and Management at Hanoi University of Civil Engineering.

The conference continues the success of the first conference of Construction Digitalisation for Sustainable Development in 2020 (CDSD 2020) as well as events of “BIM Day – NUCE 20182019” and brings together building and construction researchers, authorities, industry and students from Vietnam and other countries, providing a strong platform for knowledge sharing, connecting, collaboration, and cooperation in various disciplines of disruptive innovations in the construction industry such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), 3D scanning, Digital Twin, and 3D printing. The construction industry has embraced digital advancements in recent years, but now is the time for a true digital revolution. CDSD 2023 focuses on "Transforming through Innovation" to showcase the potential of digitalization and evaluate the construction industry's challenges and preparedness for digital transformations.

CDSD2023 welcomes experts, professionals, researchers, and students from around the globe to share their work and exchange ideas through interactive sessions and paper presentations. Policymakers and entrepreneurs will also be invited to participate in developing digital strategies and fostering cooperation between industry and higher education to bridge the gap between academia and industry.


Link to CDSD2020: CDSD 2020

Link to BIM Day 2019 documents: BIM Day 2019 documents



Important dates


Call for papers

07 MAR

Extended Abstracts (or Full Papers) submission deadline


Notification of Acceptance and Registration open

17 MAR

Registration close

20-21 MAR

Conference dates

01 JUN

Full paper submission

The information may be updated at any time, so please do check back in regularly



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